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On August 7, 2007, IntraFish editor Knud Olson wrote:
«The debate on eco-labeling of fish stocks and traceability is too fragmented. In fact, it’s not possible to discuss these topics separately. (...) If the different initiatives are to gain more credibility, then something ought to be done rather quickly, and the key to action lies in a merger between traceability and eco-labeling.»

Yes, he's fully right. Obviously, any label is worth but what is proven to be the source of the labelled product by traceability. Else, who could tell me believably whether the product I choose has been produced according to the label's rules?

Of course it is quite a task to trace back on a specific fishery when fish is delivered in bulk. This is one reason why fair-fish decided to export its fillets from Senegal in vacuum-packed ready-to-sell portions. Each portion gets labelled in the fish factory in Dakar with an etiquette indicating also the number of the local fishwoman who furnished the box out of which the fish have been taken and separately processed. This simple system, certified by SGS, allows to trace back to one fishing village and consequently to the few pirogues to be considered for the relevant catch of the day.


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